Anna is a 56-foot modern-classic take on the Sparkman & Stephens classic: Stormy Weather.
Launched in 2007, after a first-class build at Maine’s Brooklin Boat Yard, Anna is designer Sparkman & Stephens take on the Spirit-of-Tradition idiom. This 56-foot composite wood cruising sloop is based almost entirely on the classic racer Stormy Weather — the boat that Olin Stephens reportedly said was his favorite design. Stephens affections for his 53-footer were not mis-assigned: Stormy Weather won the Fastnet Race way back in 1935, when she was first built. And then, after a long and successful career, she took home the annual RORC Freddie Morgan Trophy for best classic racing yacht in 2015!
That kind of speed and grace is what makes a good yacht, great.
Anna’s designers knew enough to leave well enough mostly alone: This vessel is essentially a scaled-up version of the original Stormy Weather, featuring Olin Stephens’ signature inverted horizon-line curved sheer and “just-enough” overhang in bow and stern. There’s even some serious tumblehome on this boat, for those who like Battle-of-Trafalgar retro in their designs.
But underneath the seriously classic membrane lies the bones of a true modern vessel. Anna’s hull is epoxy-infused mahogany ceder and fiberglass. Her foils are computer generated, low-wetted surface blades, made from carbon fiber and other current materials. And her sloop rig features a carbon fiber spar and contemporary rod standing rigging. Anna also carries a full wardrobe of racing sails in the spacious storage below.
The launch of this vessel was almost over-reported in her day. Stories on her construction can be found throughout the yachting press. We understand why: For those who get her story, Anna is still big news to this day.
Launched: 2007
LOA: 56ft 0in
LWL: 41ft 4in
BEAM: 13ft 0in
DRAFT: 8ft 3in
DISP: 40,200 lbs