Stephens Waring is thrilled to share the first reveal of the 68-ft CIRRUS after her recent launch. CIRRUS is a unique blend of 40’s & 50’s era style—classic-inspired lines with hull shaping parameters that enhance modern performance. This distinctive blend is a balancing act we love to maintain, a testament to our expertise honed over decades. It’s a thrill to tease out the look of historic style while maintaining the promise of high-performance. CIRRUS has a hull that eclipses the edgy plumb stem, a classic spoon-shaped bow, and a counter stern. There’s a hint of vee at hull centerline and […]
39-ft S/Y WISP Launches and Heads South
On August 5, our latest design, WISP, was gently lowered into the harbor in Camden, Maine. The 39-footer is the most recent in a string of luxurious daysailer/weekenders we’ve designed over the last couple of decades. She was designed to be beautiful, comfortable, easy-to-sail, and fast—and by the end of that week in August we were able to see how we did on all counts. WISP hit the water after a compressed build time of less than a year, and that last week was key in pulling all the details together. Lots of last-minute details in systems and rigging took […]
The Art of the Restomod
If a traditional yacht restoration is like restoring the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, restomods are the equivalent of pop-art renditions of classic masterpieces. They take the best from the past with something fun, modern, and exciting. Restomods and renovation share a romance of classic and timeless design. However, the approach to breathing new life into a classic boat can be divisive, and each approach has its unique merits. The primary objective of a restoration project is to bring a boat back to its original design and construction as closely as possible. Good restoration experts put significant time into […]
The Journey of 50-ft Hoi An
On the passage of her 20th anniversary we look back at one of our best-loved boats: the 50-foot Spirit of Tradition Sloop Hoi An. Hoi An’s history began when we were the in-house design team at Brooklin Boat Yard. In the fall of 2000 we had just celebrated the launch of the first two boats to our W-46 design, and Marc Heilner saw the press releases. A member of a long-time summer family of neighboring Blue Hill (although living in London at the time) and thinking about a sizeable sailboat to enhance his family’s enjoyment of their waterfront home under […]
Impracticality In Its Most Beautiful Form: 53-ft Beaujolais
Beaujolais was a fun doodle we did for a long-time client. She’s the outgrowth of a pet effort of ours, that of expanding the idea of what makes a proper Spirit of Tradition boat. Many folks’ interpretation of a classic yacht relies on a slender hull with long overhangs and low freeboard, the way classic racing sailboats looked in the 1920’s and ‘30’s, under the influence of rating rules like the International and Universal Rules, those responsible for bringing us beautiful racing classes like the 6-Meters and 12-Meters, and the R, Q, P, and J-boats. But there exists a much […]
Vote for Zemphira: 2024 Classic Boat Awards
Help us get Zemphira to the finish line by casting your vote! The 76-ft racing/cruising sloop has been nominated for a Classic Boat award. VOTE HERE! 2023 saw the final phase of Zemphira’s multi-year refit in the capable hands of Lyman Morse Boatbuilding. With the mandate of an all-star staff of owner’s representatives and sailing crew, we worked hard over three years to make her faster, more fun to sail, more tweakable, and more amenable to luxury cruising. This year, we brought the crowning touch—a re-imagined sail plan brought a newly built rig to employ all the innovations in […]
Past Meets Modern Excellence on 39-ft Wisp
Crafted with a singular focus to design an excellent all-around sailing experience, 39-ft Wisp prioritizes comfort and ease of operation with a timeless aesthetic. Her size is a calculated choice, ensuring standing headroom in both the galley and head. She also sets the stage for a remarkable daysailing adventure or overnight escape. While packing plenty of performance under sail, Wisp effortlessly transforms into a luxury weekender, featuring saloon seating for four and a queen-size forward berth. Sailing Excellence: Wisp promises outstanding sailing performance, characterized by moderate draft and generous sail area; ease of sailing is thoughtfully designed, handling lines lead […]
A Symphony of Silence: The Electric Commuter
The genesis of Stephens Warings’ fully electric venture lies in a deep-rooted client relationship, spanning five boat projects over 20+ years. 8.5 m Isobel was motivated by the client’s need to access and maximize enjoyment of a new vacation home located on an island in a remote Maine lake. The client envisioned a mode of transport that reflected the serenity of the pristine lake environment, but with plenty of utility, performance, and reliability- essential for operating far from any marina or fuel dock. Having test-driven traditional ICE-propelled boats and disliking the noise, exhaust, and appearance of high-profile outboard motors, the […]